…weaving the Sacred Thread...

I don’t know the exact moment... but I remember the relief when I began to see that all through my life there was a thread running through. I do remember saying, what seems like an eternity ago, that I even though I couldn’t see it I trusted there was a through line which would make sense of all the events in my life. So when the clarity arose of how one event had woven itself to the next it was like a very welcome deep exhale through my whole being. It allowed my trust in life to deepen immensely. Since then there has been many moments of recognition. Moments of realisation that what was in front of me is what I had been prepared for all along. 

My first yoga class was a recognition like this. As I lay in savasana suddenly I felt overcome by the realisation that this is what I had been looking for. That this feeling, this experience is what I had tried to find completely misguided in so many other places. And here I was, in this state where I had unexpectedly arrived home. I feel incredibly blessed to have found a path which continues to take me into deeper and deeper soul terrain. That I’m on a journey supported by many incredible teachers and more than anything time-tested teachings.

I imagine all of life as a big tapestry. The tapestry is immense, far too big for a human soul to see it all. But each soul has its own thread running through. Sometimes we weave it consciously, other times we are being woven. At moments we are graced by seeing a larger patch of the tapestry and we gain a deeper understanding. Other times we might lose sight of the thread altogether.

And so it goes. But regardless of the ebb and flow of our awareness, we are always weaving side by side.

“Begin to Weave and the Divine will provide the Thread”
— Old Proverb