This is me - Taurus Sun, Virgo Rising + Virgo Moon - in my element doing one of my favourite things; a birth chart astrology reading. And granted, my beautiful “office” at Ulpotha in Sri Lanka was an added blessing - but normally I’m available at your convenience through Zoom.

So - what is a birth/natal chart reading??

This is the astrology of the moment you were born and it shows the formation of the planetary bodies in the sky at that exact time. You could say the chart is a representation of your personal sacred geometry. 

The birth/natal chart is the foundation of your personal astrology, the seed potential of you… in it we see energies present; strengths, challenges and much more…

Why come for a birth/natal chart reading?

As I see it, if you have curiosity around feeling into your own self awareness and understanding, astrology is a great tool. I also find it reassuring as through it the relationship of ‘within and without’, ‘above and below’ is affirmed ~ we are a part of, and in deep relationship with, the greater whole. 

It is another helpful instrument in the query of ‘who am I?’ And ‘why am I here?’. 

And … what happens in a reading?

The way I approach a reading is very much as a conversation. Rather than a deterministic (or fatalistic!) approach to the chart we together engage in how your chart is playing out in your life,  what choices, events, traits are strong and which might be a more hidden. The aim is to be able to work with the energies of our chart in the most constructive way, as a tool and opportunity for growth.

What do I need for a birth/natal chart reading?

All that’s needed is place, date and as accurate a time of birth as possible.